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Digital Token Identifier (DTI)

The Digital Token Identifier (DTI) is a global standard for identifying digital tokens, also known as crypto assets, in the EU. 

It has been established within the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) framework, specifically under ISO 24165.

Currently, more than 1800 tokens are supported. 

What Is a Digital Token Identifier (DTI)? 

Comprising a unique nine-character alphanumeric code arranged randomly, a DTI is assigned to a digital token. This code is intricately linked to a set of data associated with the token, known as reference data, housed within the DTI Registry. The reference data encompasses information about the token's distributed ledger technology and technical attributes like address, name(s), and external identifiers.

Furthermore, it functions as a monitoring tool for identifying potential systemic risks associated with trading global stablecoins and other crypto assets.

What Is the Digital Token Identifier Foundation (DTIF)? 

The Digital Token Identifier Foundation (DTIF) operates as a non-profit entity within Etrading Software, serving as the Registration Authority for the ISO standard 24165 for DTIs. It is the only foundation with a global mandate authorised to issue DTIs per ISO standards.

21 Analytics Has Implemented the DTI Standard 

The Travel Rule Protocol (TRP), our Travel Rule solution’s core protocol, is the first Travel Rule protocol to embrace the DTIF’s ISO 24165

This adoption signifies a significant step forward for TRP, establishing a seamless integration with the DTI Standard and further enhancing its functionality.

Now, using 21 Analytics’ Travel Rule solution, VASPs can be guaranteed further adherence to the Travel Rule. 

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